Friday, March 8, 2019
Happy March Break!
Dear Parents and Campers,
Well, we DID it! We all made it to March break! Can you believe there are only 69 days left in GRADE THREE! Unbelievable!
So, I have collected the THRoWs and will have them back for you in a week! Things are shaping up nicely around Camp Wilson - I'm happy to report!
I only have one ongoing concern.... regular, full day attendance. I have had many students leaving early over the past couple of months which makes it difficult to teach. Please try to keep your child's absence limited to appointment or sickness. Also, please do me the courtesy of letting me know if you are taking your child out of my class by writing me a note that includes the time and reason in your child's agenda. Thank you in advance. We have a great deal of information to cover before the end of the school, so you cooperation is GREATLY appreciated.
I would like to wish you ALL a happy, healthy and relaxing March Break! I hope you enjoy your family time and I look forward to seeing you all in a week refreshed and ready to learn!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Do you believe that Mrs. Wilson is going to a Math Camp for March break?