Welcome back to a new SHORT week! Yes, this week is only 4 days because Friday is a PD Day so NO SCHOOL for students! Yay!
What you need to know for this week...
NEW HOMEWORK: THRoW (Take Home Reading or Writing)
Students have been learning about how to differentiate between 2 genres of text: Fiction and Non Fiction. On Mondays, I will be sending home either a reading or writing task that will be due at the end of that week on Friday. Students who fail to hand in the homework on Friday morning, will be staying in a recess to do. That goes for all excuses such as I did it, but I left it on my bed... So, tonight we will start with a Take Home Reading assignment. Students are to read the story (either independently or with assistance) and follow my example of either a Modelled Fiction or Modelled Non Fiction THRoW. I expect students to follow my example EXACTLY as shown. Title - underlined with red pen and RULER. See the example in the front of your THRoW duo tang for specifics. I will help them get started for this first one Monday during the day, but please check in on your child by mid week to ensure they have started it. I suggest working on it for a little bit each night so that it's not too much at once. Parents are encouraged to assist when needed.
It seems that each year, some parents let me know that my posts have a 24 hour delay some days. I have contacted the support team at Blogger to remedy this situation, but they seem to always blame it on the internet connection of each user. So, as a loop hole to this, if you check my blog on the computer, it seems to be instantly updated. You can either go to campwilson2018-2019.blogspot.com or go through our school website to my class. This should help you get the most recent if your are not getting updated in a timely fashion.
THANK YOU to the parents who have already sent in canned foods for our Cans for a Cause Event later next month!
This Thursday, we will be having our end-of-the-unit Science test on Stability and Structures. I will be sending home your child's Science duo tang for review. We will also be having a review on Wednesday in class. Focus on these points:
- List 5 structures and the load they hold
- Explain if a structure is a structure by using our definition on page one.
- Identify why one structure is more stable than another (if it's shorter, wider base, more weight at the base)
- Name structures that are both animal made and person made with the same funtions
- Describe properties of materials Ex. steel - strong, inflexible
- Name and describe the 3 Construction Techniques that when applied to materials make them stronger and more stable
- Be able to identify which construction technique has been applied to various structures
- Explain in a short answer whether they think structures have a positive or negative impact on our environment using Science vocabulary
- Identify 2-3 famous structures
This will be an AMAZING review if you focus on the above points. Happy reviewing!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: What is the name the new homework we have?