Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Swim to Survive is officially over!  

Campers will be receiving their certificates tonight in their agendas stating whether or not they MET or DID NOT MEET the Swim to Survive Standard.  If your child did not meet the standard, you are strongly encouraged to enrol your child in life saving swimming lessons for his/her own safety.

One of the reasons why your child may have achieved a DID NOT MEET assessment, could be that he/she touched or held on to the side or ropes at some point during the roll in, treading water and 50 meter swim. 

It was nice to see my campers outside the classroom in such an engaging activity!

Counsellor Wilson

SECRET QUESTION:  Which number is written correctly in words:
A.  sixty five
B.  sixty-five
C.  sixtee-five
D.  sixty fiv