Dear Parents and Campers,
Sorry for the short notice, however, one of our Eagles, Andrew Gatto, needs our support as he battles cancer. So, to fundraise some funds to support the Gatto family, we are having a Loonie and Toonie License Day!
For $2.00, your child can buy 3 privileges. Any additional privileges will cost another dollar each.
Here are the privileges we brainstormed today...
1. Bring in gum and chew gum all day
2. Sit by a friend all day
3. Bring in a toy/stuffed animal
4. Wear P.J.s
5. Bring in electronics to play for the lunch recess only (40 mins) I will supervise.
Sorry for the short notice!
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTON: Which privilege will Mrs. Wilson be buying?