Happy Monday Parents and Campers!
Tonight, most students are coming home with our first Math test to be reviewed, corrected, signed and returned. I will keep all assessments in a portfolio in your child's desk until the end of the year for reference. This unit in NSN (Number Sense and Numeration) has been divided into two parts; Representing Numbers and Addition and Subtraction. We began the second part of the unit today. As you may have noticed, students are expected to learn their doubles to 12. Please review the flashcards your child brings home and I will assess them each day to get rid of the ones they know. Goal to learn all 13 doubles (included 0) will be Friday.
This Wednesday evening, September 26th, St. Chris will host our Meet the Teacher night. It will run from 4:30 until 5:30pm. I will run 2 sessions. The first session will begin promptly at 4:30 pm. The second session will begin promptly at 5:00 pm. Please plan to attend one of these as it will prove to be very informative and I'd love to meet and greet you all!
Tomorrow I will be sending home our Term One Curriculum goals. Stay tuned...
Counsellor Wilson
SECRET QUESTION: Why do we need to learn our doubles? Answer A, B, or C:
A: It makes us 'cooler' knowing our doubles.
B: Knowing your doubles helps you with addition strategies.
C: Because Mrs. Wilson said so.